Anyone out there of the opinion that minutes logged getting busy in the sack count towards the day’s cardio workout? Sorry for the bad news, but – think again.
The New England Journal of Medicine has just published a very interesting read about the myths, presumptions, and facts about obesity. Amongst the myths is one about sex: while lore has it that 200-300 calories are burned during sex, the average (6 minute) romp in the hay for a 70kg man only burns about 21 calories (based on 3 METs, a metabolic equivalent of energy output). As the article points out, watching TV for the same 6 minutes burns about 7 calories, so the net burn is actually only 14 calories.
Now that I’ve got your attention – the other myths in the article are definitely worth a read and are equally ‘hot’ topics of discussion!
Dr Sue Pedersen © 2013
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