I recently had the honor of chairing a Canada-wide webinar on COVID-19 and weight management, with my esteemed panelists and colleages Dr Michael Vallis (psychologist, Dalhousie University, Halifax) and Dr Sandy Van (Diplomate of American Board of Obesity Medicine and family physician, Toronto).

This was a webinar open to the general public, and available now for your on-demand viewing pleasure!


We covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • What does the COVID-19 pandemic mean for people who struggle with their weight?
  • Are healthcare providers still treating obesity during the pandemic?
  • What is the impact of stress on weight management?
  • What types of foods should we be stocking up on during the pandemic?
  • How to deal with cravings when spending so much time at home
  • How can we best cope with stress and anxiety?


I will be chairing another webinar for the general public on weight management and COVID-19 on Monday June 15th at 1700h MDT (1900h EDT), with my colleagues Dr. Shahebina Walji and Dr. Kristen Terenzi as panelists.   This session will include a question and answer period as well.  Click here to register!


Subscribe to my blog (box top right) for more on COVID-19 in the coming weeks.


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