Unfortunately, there continues to be a powerful stigma against obesity in our society.  This stigma prevails not only amongst the general public, but also amongst health care professionals.  People with obesity are far too often assumed to be lazy overeaters who simply choose not to live a healthy lifestyle.


In addition to referring you to my previous blog posts speaking out against obesity stigma (see here and here and here and here for starters), this week I am sharing an awesome youtube video called ‘Time To Act On Obesity’.  It’s a great 5 minute primer on obesity, to get a start on understanding some of the many complex aspects that underlie this medical condition.    We at the Canadian Obesity Network (Calgary Chapter) are so taken by the title that it has become the namesake for our exciting upcoming event in November geared towards annihilating this obesity stigma, addressing weight bias and discrimination, and preventing and treating obesity in childhood.  Stay tuned!

Thanks so much to my dear friend and colleague Dr Shahebina Walji, and my friend Krista for the heads’ up on this super youtube video.

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www.drsue.ca © 2015