Here’s a chance to get motivated to stick with those New Year’s resolutions you’re trying to keep.
Lisa Taylor, a Calgary high school teacher (and, I’m proud to say, my amazing sister), launched a Twitter initiative #active365 to help her phys ed students feel inspired to engage in daily physical activity. When they get active, they take a picture and post it on Twitter – this gets their classmates hyped about being active, stimulates some friendly competition – and Miss Taylor even gives them bonus marks towards their report card!
We are now taking #active365 outside of gym class and to the general public! Here’s your chance to get friends, family, and work colleagues involved and see who can rack up the most #active365 tweets each week, each month, and for all of 2016. Being #active365 will mean different things to different people – it can mean walking to work or school instead of using a car or bus; taking the stairs instead of the elevator; taking your kids for a swim in the local pool; going to the gym; ice skating; starting a new exercise class… use your imagination! You can choose to tweet with or without a picture, but be sure to describe what you did!
So start racking up those bonus marks to your health – let’s tweet up #active365 and motivate each other every day of the year!
I would love to know when my readers are Tweeting at #active365 – my Twitter handle is @drsuepedersen – please add it to your Tweet so I can cheer you on!
Important note: Be sure to discuss with your doctor before starting any new activity or exercise program.